Project Management Professional (PMP)®

ROSEMET LLC offers a comprehensive PMP® Prep Bundle to help aspiring project managers earn the PMP® credential. Our bundle includes a self-paced on-demand course, study plan, practice tests, application support, coaching, and a pass guarantee.


PMP® Prep Course Bundle ($649)

At ROSEMET LLC, we understand the value of earning the globally recognized Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification. Our founder, Dr. Michael Shick, holds a PMP credential and appreciates firsthand how it can enhance a project manager's skills, career prospects, and earning potential.

To support PMP® candidates on their certification journey, ROSEMET LLC offers a comprehensive PMP® Prep Bundle:

  • PMP® Exam Prep Course (35 training hours) - This on-demand self-paced online course covers all exam domains through interactive lessons, real-world examples, and knowledge checks. It satisfies the training hours required to apply for the PMP® exam.
  • PMP® Practice Tests - Our bundle includes access to 1000+ PMP® practice questions to test your knowledge and focus your studying.
  • Comprehensive Coaching Support: Gain free access to training-related coaching until you pass the exam or for six months, whichever comes first. Sessions are available during the day, evenings, and weekends.
  • Engage in our Online Community: Pose questions to instructors and peers in the community forum. This platform is perfect for understanding course content, networking, receiving mentorship, and even seeking advice on work-related projects.

  • PMP® Exam Pass Guarantee - If you complete our prep requirement and do not pass the PMP® exam, we offer a full money-back guarantee.*

At ROSEMET LLC, our mission is empowering project management excellence. Contact us to learn more about how our PMP Prep Bundle can equip you with the tools and support to earn the industry's most coveted certification.

*Limitations may apply.

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